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Backed by ISO26262, ASPICE, AUTOSAR, and many other standards

Designed to Meet Your Requirements for Any Kind of Embedded System.

Our TRACE32® Hypervisor- and OS-awareness technology significantly simplifies your debug activities.

Your Ticket To Userland

Embedded development

Is divided into two worlds: bare-metal debugging and user-mode process debugging. Things are easy if you only need one or the other..

In embedded projects

However, this is only rarely the case. TRACE32’s powerful OS awareness empowers you to cross that border easily. Debug and trace from the user process, via the system call and kernel routines down into the hardware driver library – and back to the user process. Category-Debugger

Never Lose The Overview Over Anything

As TRACE32 Will Take Care Of The Address Mappings Of Kernel And All Processes.
The TRACE32 OS Awareness Is Available For A Huge Amount Of Embedded Operating Systems.



Supported microprocessor Architectures

Search your core architecture and discover how TRACE32 can help you to leverage your full architecture´s debug capabilities

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Microprocessors Coverd

Lauterbach TRACE32® tools supports more than 150 microprocessor architectures with far more than 10,000 microprocessors covered

Take my Debug To New Levels

Itec Ltd.

Address: 38th HaBarzel St., Ramat Hachayal

Tel-Aviv 6971054

Tel: 972-3-6491202


Design and developmentDoron Meyer Digital 

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