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QNX Neutrino RTOS, a Smarter Operating System

  • Microkernel architecture -proven and trusted
  • Separate and isolate your system functions with adaptive partitioning.
  • Schedule real-time access to CPU and resources
  • Reuse OS across multiple product lines
  • Standard development tools used.
  • Security by design with microkernel architecture and no root access
  • Safety by design with pre-certified OS, Hypervisor

Virtualization Software

✓ QNX® Hypervisor ✓ QNX® Advanced Virtualization Frameworks ✓ Consolidate multiple OSs on a single embedded SoC ✓ Safely and securely run your apps and services on the OSs you choose

QNX Software Development Platform

Comprehensive software platform: ✓ QNX® Neutrino® Real Time OS ✓ QNX® Momentics® Tool Suite ✓ POSIX-compliant development environment

Make my product 100% safe

Itec Ltd.

Address: 38th HaBarzel St., Ramat Hachayal

Tel-Aviv 6971054

Tel: 972-3-6491202


Design and developmentDoron Meyer Digital 

You can call us directly: