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Meet the first software and IP (Intellectual Property) company to create true end-to-end IoT security products that can be seamlessly integrated throughout the entire supply chain, from supplying security IP to the chip designers to helping OEMs to connect millions of devices to the cloud with our patented software platform.

What’s the role of cryptography in IoT security?​

Asymmetric cryptography

Used for identity management through generating digital signatures and certificate requests, and for implementing key exchange mechanisms. Examples of frequently used cryptographic algorithms include RSA, Elliptic Curve and Diffie-Hellman. There is also a range of new algorithms being standardized by NIST to provide effective post-quantum cryptography.

Virtualization Software

Used for data transfer to and from connected endpoint devices. Symmetric keys are typically 128-bit or 256-bit, while it takes a 2048-bit asymmetric key to provide a broadly similar level of security to that of a 128-bit symmetric one. IoT deployments create a lot of data, so speed is important. Also, storing smaller keys requires less silicon area on semiconductor devices, where space is at a premium. The most common example here is AES.

Virtualization Software

Used for integrity checking, ensuring that received data has not been tampered with.


Interested in Secure IP solution

Itec Ltd.

Address: 38th HaBarzel St., Ramat Hachayal

Tel-Aviv 6971054

Tel: 972-3-6491202


Design and developmentDoron Meyer Digital 

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