Tailored Productivity Packages to Streamline Your Product's Compliance

Fulfill any verification and validation needs, increasing productivity and reducing time to market.

Resource Centres

What is the LDRA tool suite?

The LDRA tool suite is LDRA’s flagship platform that delivers open and extensible solutions for building quality into software from requirements through to deployment.

What languages and platforms are supported?

Here is a partial list of the languages and platforms currently supported by the LDRA tool suite.

Packages deliver industry-specific values:

  • Backed by over 45 years of experience with the LDRA tool suite.
  • Through a single, streamlined workflow, we can eliminate the costs and complexity of running different traceability, software analysis, and compliance reporting point solutions across embedded industries.
  • Aligned with certification standards of specific industries.
  • Ensures quality, functional safety, and security compliance.
  • Provides flexibility for clients of all sizes to choose a package that fits their unique needs.

Itec Ltd.

Address: 38th HaBarzel St., Ramat Hachayal

Tel-Aviv 6971054

Tel: 972-3-6491202

Email: info@itec.co.il

Design and developmentDoron Meyer Digital 

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