Free Hands-On Online Workshop

  • How to communicate with the JTAG chain
  • Tools to interact with JTAG devices (e.g. FPGAs, CPLDs or                 processors)
  • Introduction to board testing using the JTAG chain
  • How to describe a circuit in order to enable JTAG testing
  • How to test non-JTAG elements of a board design using boundary       scan

Our goal

to offer a common platform for use by design and development engineers, test engineers, contract manufacturers and field test engineers, providing testing of not only JTAG-enabled devices but non-JTAG devices as well..

Our Mission

XJTAG believes in being open – clients can see and edit the script files that are used to test for non-JTAG devices. If a revised device comes along, or the client has a problem, they can alter or debug the test themselves if they do not wish to (or are unable to) involve XJTAG..

Our Process

XJTAG products use IEEE Std.1149.x (JTAG boundary-scan) to enable engineers to debug, test and program electronic circuits quickly and easily. This can significantly shorten the electronic design, development and manufacturing processes

Case Studies

XJTAG case studies with world leading companies

Design and developmentDoron Meyer Digital 

Itec Ltd.

Address: 38th HaBarzel St., Ramat Hachayal

Tel-Aviv 6971054

Tel: 972-3-6491202


Design and developmentDoron Meyer Digital 

You can call us directly: